Our tuition ranges from $360.00 - $1000.00 Monthly depending on age and schedule. For more information please contact Ally Altuna at 801-571-1515 or ally@bellcanyonmontessori.com There are many options to customize your child’s school schedule to fit your family.
Benefits of a Montessori Education
Low student teacher ratio 1-12 pre-K and 1-10 1st-3rd
Montessori Certified Teachers
Spanish and ESL
Crafts, music, movement
Practical life
Sensory development
Mathematics and Geometry instruction
Language Arts
Cultural subjects of Zoology, Botany, History and Art
Our curriculum incorporates the Utah state common core objective
Classroom computers
Bell Canyon Montessori
1690 11400 South
Sandy, Utah 84092
Call or Text: (801)-514-1132